Cleansing Stream University training is not only to prepare you to minister effectively to others whom the Lord places in your path, but also to teach you how to position your own heart before the Lord to allow Him to do a refining work in you.

It's as much a training in inner healing and deliverance as it is a discipleship program.

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Course Modules

MODULE 1 - Intercession

CSU Module 1 prepares you to minister by addressing intimacy with the Lord, hearing the voice of God, prophetic and strategic intercession.

Session 1: Preparing to Minister
Presenter: Pastor Gary Howse

The purpose of this Cleansing Stream University training is not only to prepare you to minister effectively to others whom the Lord places in your path, but also to teach us how to position our own hearts before the Lord to allow Him to do a refining work in us.

As we look specifically at the purpose of this session, Preparing to Minister, we’ll focus on the importance of our own intimacy with the Father. To help us do that, we will look at three specific parts that contribute to a growing intimate relationship with God.

Session 2: How to Hear the Voice of God
Presenter: Bishop Joseph Garlington

The issue is not that God doesn’t speak, but that God DOES speak and people don’t notice that He is speaking. He speaks through dreams, pain, and a variety of other ways.

Session 3: Prophetic Intercession
Presenter: Pastor Seth Fawcett

As we look specifically at the purpose of this session, Prophetic Intercession, our foundation is that we are speaking what God sees, what God knows, and what God wants and desires for another person, so that they can then speak for themselves. Prophetic Intercession is a ministry of the Holy Spirit through us to other humans.

Session 4: Strategic Intercession
Presenter: Mary Ann Young

Strategic Intercession is a level of prayer and intercession which is often an untapped weapon of warfare but when tapped into, has amazing results in the Spirit realm with breakthrough, advancement of God’s Kingdom, and His blessings poured forth.

MODULE 2 - Basic Training

In this course students will get a detailed lesson on the importance of forgiveness, the heart of a servant, the name of Jesus and will better understand the power in the blood of Christ.

Session 1: The Power of Forgiveness
Presenter: Pastor Raymond Pettitt

For many of us, we know that forgiveness is important, but we tend to justify it according to our circumstances. Our desire for this session is to help us gain a greater understanding the power of forgiveness has on us as well as on those we choose to forgive. This session could be summed up in one sentence: Release them, and you will be set free.

Session 2: The Heart of a Servant
Presenter: Pastor Chris Hayward

To have the heart of a servant as Scripture commands, it definitely takes leaning on the Holy Spirit. The heart of this message is that we apply this in all areas of ministry with which God gives us opportunity. It means we must be determined and intentional to lean on Jesus to develop a lifestyle of servanthood.

Session 3: The Name of Jesus
Presenter: Pastor Sharon DeBoer

The word “Christian” means “Christ-one.” The disciples were identified as being a Christ One, identified with Jesus Christ. As a Christian, you are identified with God, because you believe in the name of Jesus, and His nature and character are to become part of who you are. You are a Christ One.

Session 4: The Blood
Presenter: Pastor Ray Beeson

The topic of the blood of Jesus helps us understand the depth of God’s love for humanity. When we come to Christ, it is important for us to understand that we enter into an agreement with Christ. An agreement that is covenant based, meaning one that is not to be broken. As we begin to understand the depths of what is given to us through the blood of Jesus, His blood covenant with us, we gain a new, valuable insight into the eternal gift of salvation God has provided for us.

MODULE 3 - Intermediate Training

CSU Module 3 arms you with needed information as to how to discern entry points to demonic influence and helps identify interference to healing. The final lesson models listening to the Lord while ministering to a person during team prayer.

Session 1: Blockages and Entry Points
Presenter: Pastor Randy Garvey

A believer can open doors and give the demonic access and a right to operate in their life, through demonic entry points. A believer can also close these doors through acknowledging the truth, repentance, deliverance. During this session, we will take a look at the 7 most common demonic entry points to help us recognize the symptoms or blockages that may be there, not allowing deliverance and freedom to take place.

Session 2: Inner Vows and Bitter-Root Judgements
Presenter: Pastor Sharon DeBoer

Our enemy’s plan and desire is to steal, kill, and destroy our lives (John 10:10). He is subtle and crafty in setting up experiences that bring hurt and pain for the purpose of getting us to come into agreement with his lies, which will then lead us to form inner vows. Inner Vows imprison us to act and think exactly in the way those vows have set the mold for us.

Session 3: Team Prayer
Presenter: Pastor Chris Hayward

God has given us a mandate to be burden-bearers and to come alongside others to encourage, support, and pray with in order to see broken hearts healed and strongholds broken. That is our hearts desire, but oftentimes, we are at a loss to know how to do this or where to start.

Session 4: The Power of the Blessing
Presenter: Pastor Kerry Kirkwood

Blessing in Scripture is much more than favor and accumulating of material things. From a biblical position, blessing is simply seeing, speaking, and living from the perspective of God.

MODULE 4 - Advanced Training

This advanced module will prepare the student with the understanding on how to deal with the pervasive religious spirit and how to break down strongholds. It also cuts through the confusion between sin, transgression, and iniquity. It then concludes with how to sustain spiritual breakthrough.

Session 1: The Religious Spirit
Presenter: Pastor Chris Hayward

One of the most formidable attacks upon the believer is the religious spirit. It is pervasive throughout the church and is at the heart of all division and strife. This teaching provides a framework of understanding on just how it manipulates and finds its way into our lives. It also teaches us how to stop it’s advance.

Session 2: Breaking Down Strongholds
Presenter: Pastor Chris Hayward

What is a stronghold, and how does it get established in our lives? This teaching shows us how we can, with God’s weapons, uncover and break down strongholds in our lives. It also teaches its nature and make-up. The solution might surprise you.

In the study the student will discover the unique role that worship plays in both the building and tearing down of strongholds.

Session 3: Sin, Transgressions, and Iniquity
Presenter: Pastor Michelle Holverson

Many Christians are confused about the difference between these three words. However, understanding their unique qualities will help the student in their walk with the Lord. 

Our life mission as believers is to stay determined to stay on the path of The Way with the Holy Spirit’s help. But if we stumble, cross the line, veer off the path or walk a crooked path, …. There is no sin or transgression that Christ cannot forgive and no iniquity that Christ can not heal and transform.

That is really really GOOD NEWS!!!!!

Session 4: Feeding Your Freedom
Presenter: Pastor Terry Inman

God warned the ancient prophets about incomplete or superficial healing. “They have healed the wound of my people lightly, saying, ‘Peace, peace,’ when there is no peace.” (Jer. 6.14 ESV)

In this case the people were slightly relieved of symptoms and told they now had peace or shalom (wholeness or wellness). But in fact because they had not fully experienced true repentance (a change of thinking and behaving) their healing was superficial, temporal and incomplete. This topic is about “How to sustain our spiritual breakthrough”.


What comes in the e-course?

Four downloadable workbooks and access to the online video teachings. This is a bundled course, Module 1 will be in the the main course and then you will have access to the other 3 courses. Note* This is a completely digital course.

What is the course requirement for Seminar?

You will watch a video/listen to the topic and then complete the workbook lesson associated with that video topic. The degree of investment you make in the topic will help prepare you to go through and answer the questions in your workbook. 

Will I be able to skip around the lessons/topics? That is will I be able to watch/listen to the topic that I’m most interested in at the time?

The participants receive greater understanding of the Lord, who He is and how to enhance their relationship with Him when the lessons are completed in the order presented. The topic/lessons are meant to be viewed/listened to and completed consecutively.

What do I get for completing the Seminar?

You will receive a certificate for completing all the Seminar video’s but remember you get out of this experience what you put into it. Viewing/Listening to the content is good, but doing so, reading your Bible and completing the workbook as well as putting into practice the things the Holy Spirit reveals are how you grow.

Is there any benefit to taking the Seminar more than once?

It has been our experience that those who attend Seminar at least twice and who the second time around, allow the Holy Spirit to challenge them afresh the second time around (as compared to their first time) increase in their spiritual maturity. In our experience about 70% are invited to join Cleansing Stream Discipleship teams in the local church while others among them serve in other ministry capacities.

Is the Cleansing Stream Event a part of the online course?

Event registration is separate. Please visit to register. Online and in-person events are available several times a year.

What do I benefit from taking Cleansing Stream University?

Cleansing Stream University (CSU) allows you to discover hidden areas in your own life you might not have had victory over. Not only that, but it will equip you to assist others in the areas of inner healing and deliverance.

Since it’s a University, how long will it take for me to complete the courses?

CSU is named for University not because it is based on semester or quarter schedule but because it is a dynamic four module advanced ministry training program. It consists of four modules with each one having at least four sessions per module. On one’s own, the completion time would vary.

What comes after Module 4?

Your training through Cleansing Stream University qualifies you, under pastoral approval, to serve in your church and in other locations at Cleansing Stream Events nationally and internationally. If you're interested in serving, contact us at [email protected]

How can I support Cleansing Stream Ministries?

Support of Cleansing Stream International assists the work of Jesus Christ locally and throughout the world. Your gift, no matter the size, can help to transform lives that might never be touched.